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Assessment & CBT for Autistic Clients II

w/Dr. Rebecca Sachs, PhD, ABPP, Monday 5/6, 12-3 EST, 3 CEs for psychologists, ASWB & NBCC pending

  • Ended
  • 225 US dollars
  • Online

Service Description

Assessment & CBT for Autistic Clients is an advanced, didactic 3-hour live (and recorded) online workshop for practitioners with knowledge of autism and clinical CBT experience who are interested in understanding assessment and treatment modifications in work with autistic clients. The presenter will explore topics including differential diagnosis, case conceptualization/treatment planning, and modifying CBT to support persons with autism. It will include discussion about case vignettes and participant case discussion . This talk builds upon CBT Modifications for Autistic Clients: an Intro, but can also be attended as a stand-alone course. Attendees will sharpen their use practical strategies and modifications for both behavioral and cognitive interventions of CBT for this population. Intended Audience: Advanced Clinicians Course Overview: Topic 1: Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Topic 2: Case Conceptualization & Treatment Planning Topic 3: Listening to Autistic Voices Topic 4: CBT with ERP modifications & Treatment Priorities Topic 5: Special Topics Based on your Cases After this workshop, clinicians will be able to 1. Conceptualize what behaviors are/are not anxiety/OCD in autistic clients. 2.Use functional analysis and a case conceptualization model to guide treatment planning 3.Understand the importance of listening to and validating lived experiences of autistics when treating co-occurring mental health conditions. 4 Create collaborative goals with autistic patients following their articulation of lived experiences when treating co-occurring mental health conditions. Rebecca Sachs, PhD, ABPP, is a licensed psychologist and an expert in treatments for Anxiety, Autism, and OCD. She believes in empowering individuals and their families with knowledge and skills to not only manage current challenges, but to also be ready to handle new problems when they may arise. Dr. Sachs is a sought-after clinician and speaker who regularly presents at conferences. With colleagues, she was recently awarded a federally funded grant through the New York State Office of Mental Health, aimed at helping train community-based service providers better serve children and youth who are dually diagnosed with mental illness, like OCD, and a developmental disability. She has a private practice in New York City (and virtually in the state of NY) and is co-Director of Successful School Transitions, a comprehensive program for school refusal.

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